2024 NDT Hero Year in Review
This image represents the next level for many young NDT technicians entering the workforce. It is important for them to stay focused, hungry, and supported by those who have come before them to encourage them in their NDT journey.
This post is about reflecting on 2024 and how grateful I am to all my NDT family for their contributions big and small. The most notable activity in 2024 was the NDT Experience Event we held at PRCI in Houston where students were able to get their hands on different equipment and real pipeline materials to test them as they would in the field. Second to this was a message from a gentleman I met in the elevator at the ASNT Annual conference that led to him reaching out to his children’s school to offer his services as an NDT Career spokesperson during the Spring semester. It is moments like these that recharge my battery and get me excited to start the new year for new opportunities, friends, and continued growth.
In this journey to serve and encourage others to join our NDT family it is important to encourage women to join this field as well. This art is meant to illustrate the strength that comes from the many young women I know who continue to flourish in the field.
· ASNT Mentor of the Year
Receiving this award at the National conference in Vegas was special and reminded me how much I love my NDT family and thank them for this honor.
· NDT Hero Down & Dirty
This was an amazing event that I had started organizing in July for what turned out to be a great event with lots of tremendous support from the vendors, school, and volunteers.
· Expanded Network
It is not about how many connections we make, it’s about the quality of the connections you make that make the difference. In 2024 I was able to add a few really strong connections and a few interactions that mean the world to me even if they were brief.
· AATA Apprenticeship
Although this was a short-lived project, I did enjoy meeting the new students and working with so many talented Level 3 instructors.
· Career Days
My favorite events are the Aldine Elementary school where I spoke with 2nd and 3rd grade students who had the best questions and reactions. My second favorite school was the DeBakey Medical Highschool where (35) students hung out to listen to me talk about NDT during their after-school club period. Such talented and respectful students at this school. This is an untapped market for NDT personnel for sure.
· ASNT Annual Conference
The conference was amazing as usual as I heard the amazing keynote speaker Tamera Robertson talk about advocating techniques and strategies. I met so many new people and enjoyed working with the ASNT staff as usual.
· New NDT Hero characters
I introduced a few new characters to my NDT Universe which was long overdue. These characters represent PAUT, ET, and Infrared Thermography
· Avalos Career
This may have been the best part of 2024. Seeing (9) young Avalos students join the NDT career with FESS and IRISNDT that are still working this day in all parts of the US.
The moments leading up to student graduation were nerve racking because these students had not yet found jobs. Thanks to my friend at FESS who hired these students.
In those moments of inspiration sometimes it comes out as a quick sketch.