Capillary Action
Tragedy strikes just after take off!!! Alarms indicate excessive stress and strain coming from the air frame.
Captain Capillary to the rescue!
Cap begins to shrink down to make his way down to the frame and find the source of the problem.
Similar to the capillary action that goes on with Liquid Penetrant, Captain Capillary seeps into the smallest of surface openings to make his way to the source of the problem.
Capillary Action
CAP makes his way into the seams of the plane.
Capillary Action works because of cohesive force, adhesive force, and surface tension to get into the surface indication. Reverse capillary action, when using nonaqoueus developer for final inspection.
CAP spots fatigue cracks on a wing spar. Using his specially formulated bonding fluid he reinforces the spar to prevent further crack growth until they can land safely for a full repair.
#nondestructivetesting #ndt #ndthero #ndtheroes #liquidpenetranttesting #neverstoplearning