JSC NDE Challenge Coin


The Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) challenge coin is intended as a token of appreciation from the JSC NDE Team to those who have contributed to the NDE program as a team member, customer, or supplier of snacks.  


The obverse of the coin is emblazoned with the name of the NASA Johnson Space Center, home to the Engineering and Safety & Mission Assurance Directorate NDE groups that work together to ensure the success of America’s space program through application and advancement of nondestructive evaluation technology and best practices. An astronaut is depicted engaged in an extravehicular activity (EVA) carrying a futuristic nondestructive inspection tool for use on the International Space Station (ISS), Gateway or lunar surface. The surrounding stars symbolize the NDE methods currently deployed on the ISS: Visual Testing, Acoustic Emission, Infrared Thermography, Eddy Current, and Ultrasonic Testing.


The reverse of the coin depicts the path of a manned space vehicle making its way from the Earth to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Along the way the International Space Station orbits the Earth while Gateway orbits the Moon. The large stars represent those who have led the NDE Team including Bud Castner, Charles Salkowski, Jose Hernandez (STS-128), and Ajay Koshti. The smaller stars represent the many contractors, civil servants, past, present, and future members of the JSC NDE team which has including Norman P. Ruffino, Eddie C. Pompa, David M. Stanley, Allen T. Gress, Owen Farmer, Clinton “Scott” Denny, Paul Carper, Glenn Ecord, Glenn Morgan, Ovidio Oliveras, Kenneth L. Hodges, Samik Das, Michael Tipton, Randy Duvall, Krist Brost, and many interns.

The Orion constellation is included in the stars to represent the Artemis mission.

Eddie Pompa

As a long time DNT professional I am now focused on promoting my industry through public outreach to bring awareness to our Skilled Profession.

My goal is to have (5) high schools with NDT in their Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs by 2030.


NDT Advocacy in Action: Emiliano Paz


ANDI and Friends