Location, Orientation, Fact!

Flaws are often challenged by production supervisors which can be tough on inspectors.

With the right training and experience making the right call is determined by knowing all you can about the parts being inspected.

NDT Heroes are a Force to be reckoned with!

NDT Heroes are a Force to be reckoned with!

Knowing the difference between a signal response from a crack and lack of fusion depends heavily on where the signal is coming from. If the signal is near the weld toe it is NOT lack of fusion.

Toe cracks are surface or near surface and away from the weld fusion line.

Toe cracks are surface or near surface and away from the weld fusion line.

Lack of Fusion exist at the weld fusion line and often near the lower half of the weld where welders can have difficulty tieng into the bevel correctly.

Lack of Fusion exist at the weld fusion line and often near the lower half of the weld where welders can have difficulty tieng into the bevel correctly.

Porosity is typically found in the upper 1/3 of the weld volume where gases fail to escape during the solidification process.

Porosity is typically found in the upper 1/3 of the weld volume where gases fail to escape during the solidification process.

This is why calibration is very important. If your measurements here aren’t solid your flaw location will be off which leads to improper flaw characterization and mapping.

This is why calibration is very important. If your measurements here aren’t solid your flaw location will be off which leads to improper flaw characterization and mapping.

With proper calibration of the equipment an inspector can report thier findings with confidence and trust flaw location and flaw orientation to consider the flaw as a fact.

L ocation

O rientation

F act

Eddie Pompa

As a long time DNT professional I am now focused on promoting my industry through public outreach to bring awareness to our Skilled Profession.

My goal is to have (5) high schools with NDT in their Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs by 2030.


NDTMA 2022


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