NDT Heroes vs. Swamp Thing

The adventures of the NDT Heroes takes a turn toward the standard comic book chaos.

The adventures of the NDT Heroes takes a turn toward the standard comic book chaos.

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The end of one adventure and the start to a new one.

The Heroes return with little time to rest.

News breaks about an attack on the city by an old nemesis. We also meet Echo (Acoustic Emission Testing) for the first time in our NDT Hero World.

News breaks about an attack on the city by an old nemesis. We also meet Echo (Acoustic Emission Testing) for the first time in our NDT Hero World.

Ms. Sonic (Ultrasonic Testing) provides instant visual of the events as they unfold and provides instant feedback for the rest of the team.

Ms. Sonic (Ultrasonic Testing) provides instant visual of the events as they unfold and provides instant feedback for the rest of the team.

Vixion (Radiography Testing) is fast at work providing “Real Time” images of the damage Swamp Thing is imposing on the security wall. Ms. Sonic uses here powers to drive Swampee back.

Vixion (Radiography Testing) is fast at work providing “Real Time” images of the damage Swamp Thing is imposing on the security wall. Ms. Sonic uses here powers to drive Swampee back.

With Swampee away from the wall Magna (Magnetic Particle Testing) has a chance to use his powers to move in for the capture of Swamp Thing.

With Swampee away from the wall Magna (Magnetic Particle Testing) has a chance to use his powers to move in for the capture of Swamp Thing.

The job here is done and the team is ready to recharge. Excuse the mess in my second slide I got carried away with the ink. :-) Who is next to come? Wait and see.

The job here is done and the team is ready to recharge.

Excuse the mess in my second slide I got carried away with the ink. :-)

Who is next to come? Wait and see.


Thanks for taking a little time to read my story and enjoy the idea that NDT powers can be used in other ways to keep the cities safe from attacks like these. #NDT #NDTHeroes #NDTHERO #comicbookart #NDTAdventure #MagneticParticle #UltrasonicTesting #RadiographicTesting #LiquidPenetrantTesting @hockerinc.com @ascendengrave.com

Eddie Pompa

As a long time DNT professional I am now focused on promoting my industry through public outreach to bring awareness to our Skilled Profession.

My goal is to have (5) high schools with NDT in their Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs by 2030.


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