
So many options and variations existed before settling into the final draft. I have to remind myself that this is a process and with time the drawings will get better.

My initial sketch.

My initial sketch.

Pencil draft worked as my template for the many color variations to follow. This also includes a few different titles I considered.

Pencil draft worked as my template for the many color variations to follow. This also includes a few different titles I considered.

Green Centurion along with marker colors just in case I liked it enough to stay with this option.

Green Centurion along with marker colors just in case I liked it enough to stay with this option.

This one really popped but was just not feeling it.

This one really popped but was just not feeling it.

The color scheme just felt right, especially when adding tattoos.

The color scheme just felt right, especially when adding tattoos.

“Draw every day. You can’t improve on a blank page.”


Eddie Pompa

As a long time DNT professional I am now focused on promoting my industry through public outreach to bring awareness to our Skilled Profession.

My goal is to have (5) high schools with NDT in their Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs by 2030.


The Aftermath


Contamination . . . . . . It’s Driving Me Crazy.