The Aftermath



Commander of the Gernian military.

What happens when the heroes go out and save the world? Devastation often times lies in the aftermath.

What happens when the heroes go out and save the world? Devastation often times lies in the aftermath.

Its moments like this when NDT Heroes come together to serve during the repair process.

Its moments like this when NDT Heroes come together to serve during the repair process.

These heroes compliment each other to locate defects on the surface and sub-surface.

These heroes compliment each other to locate defects on the surface and sub-surface.

These heroes offer so much diversity and options to inspect all types of materials.

These heroes offer so much diversity and options to inspect all types of materials.

Even when the advanced NDT methods seem to have all the answers there are alternative tests that work.

Even when the advanced NDT methods seem to have all the answers there are alternative tests that work.

There is no single NDT method that will find all the defects. Like a great team these Heroes come together as one great NDTeam.

There is no single NDT method that will find all the defects. Like a great team these Heroes come together as one great NDTeam.

Every failure is a lesson. If your not willing to fail, your not ready to succeed.
— Gymaholic


Eddie Pompa

As a long time DNT professional I am now focused on promoting my industry through public outreach to bring awareness to our Skilled Profession.

My goal is to have (5) high schools with NDT in their Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs by 2030.

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