Mr. Eclectic
He derives much from across all NDT methods amid the “Non-Destructive Testing Comic book Universe” (NCU).
Character Name:
Mr. E
Edward Evers
As a young student working his way through tech school while holding down a full-time job delivering parts and equipment across the city, he discovered many things. Some of these were good, but many of these were bad which often drew a pause in his day as he imagined a way to make things better in this world, in his community, and beyond. If he only had a superpower of some kind, he would use it for good just like those heroes in the pages of his comic books. All he needed was a tragic accident that might transform him into a superhero, much like the incident that allowed Matt Murdock to become the Daredevil that we all know.
Each day he saw many atrocities in his city that included robberies, assault, poor safety practices, poor work conditions, and unethical quality assurance practices. What could he do if he had enhanced senses like Daredevil or X-ray vision like Superman? Oh, the world would be a better place with someone like him to protect the city!
Then one day it happened just like the comic book stories. While he made his delivery to the “Magnaflux” shop down the road he was waiting to have his truck unloaded. Soon his curious nature kicked in and he wandered into the dark “Magnaflux” room that glowed in bright green from the ultraviolet lights all around. This being his first time in the shop he was not aware of the safety hazards that existed, so he proceeded with caution, but the floor was wet, and he slipped and fell. The last thing he remembered as he fell to the floor was a large glow of green fluid pouring out of somewhere and across his body.
When he woke up, he discovered that he had been taken to an area clinic to get checked out and cleaned up. This clinic seemed less than qualified to provide him with the care he needed, but young and not experienced enough to know better he accepted the care and got in his truck so he could get back to the shop.
That night he began to feel an electric sensation across his skin and did not know what to make of it, so he ignored it as the instructor was providing a review for the upcoming exam and he did not want to ruin his GPA. During the lab exercise he noticed his multi-meter readings were inconsistent and flickering as he attempted to troubleshoot the circuit boards. No matter which multi-meter he used he continued to have the same problem even among the digital units. Dismissing these anomalies, he attributed it to his stressful day at work and left early to get a good night’s rest for the exam the next day.
The next day while making his deliveries he noticed an enhanced awareness as he approached traffic lights sensing when vehicles would be running lights or speeding in school zones miles away from him. The radio in his truck would randomly pick up stations from other cities, countries, and other strange places where the language was unreal. Terms like acoustic impedance, flux leakage, capillary action, half-value-layers, infrared, eddy-current, and many others filled the airwaves. Somehow, he managed to stay focused as he continued with his deliveries and stopped only to lunch at the nearby taqueria (taco stand) where he could sit outside for some fresh air.
While waiting for his order he sensed something was not right and it kept getting closer. Next thing he knew there were three guys with guns robbing the taqueria and all the customers. Edward was overcome with a great sense to protect the innocent and began to move with lighting speed to unarm the robbers and preventing harm to anyone. He then managed to wrap the bad guys up with the chain link fence from behind the stand and left them there for the police to arrest them.
Not interested in having to explain how he managed to do what he did Edward grabbed his drink and jumped back in his truck to head back to the shop. When he got back to the shop, he asked the boss if he could take the rest of the day off to study for his upcoming final exam.
The rest of the afternoon was spent discovering his powers and abilities at the park near his house. His strength was beyond imagination (lifting his car to get a ball for one of the kids), his senses allowed him to predict behaviors of others around him (stranger danger alert on steroids), and his knowledge was expanded such that he knew and understood the content of his books (even in chapters they had not even gone over).
Edward soon found himself drawn toward the world of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) where he somehow knew so much about. His thirst for NDT knowledge was unquenchable as he perused the local library. Handbook after handbook, equipment manuals, study materials for UT, MT, PT, RT, and ET were all absorbed into his brain. With this information quickly entering his consciousness he began to use one of his naturally born skills to create NDT content in a way no one else had ever done before.
You see Edward had been described as eclectic while growing up and he never knew what to make of it, but now it is used to create comic book art and content for the world to enjoy.
Edward Evers works diligently to perform work that prevents injury to others, protects the innocent, and promotes the work of all NDT personnel.
· Master Creator
· Super Strength
· Environmentally adaptable
· Knowledge
Slagg - Weld inclusions resulting from poor inner pass cleaning
Gryme - The havoc created by poor housekeeping that leads to inaccurate test results
K-OSS - The world overlord who propagates chaos and uncertainty
In this art piece:
Mr. E is always on the lookout for indiscretions in his efforts to prevent catastrophes.
He is always seeking NDT knowledge in all methods
His focus is laser sharp
Mr. E on attack!
There are no NDT villains beyond his reach, and he will live to serve and protect all that is good.