The Central Inspection Agency


The Central Inspection Agency (CIA) was established during the American Industrial Revolution manufacturing was robust and many companies were set near the cities which took people away from farming for better wages. Manufacturing had no oversight or controls to safeguard employees which created hostile and dangerous conditions for skilled and unskilled labor. The unsafe conditions extended beyond the factory and into the streets and waterways where waste was not monitored like it is today. Food was also in high demand but short on supply as farms were short-handed and struggled to keep up with demand. Employers were in such demand for workforce and lines often formed outside just waiting for the next opening that all to often included a hurst for the fallen.


In an effort to provide safer work conditions, improved working arrangements, and improved quality products the CIA was created. Agents were inserted into high demand industries where they worked to institute stronger quality systems aimed at improving the quality of the hardware while simultaneously improving work conditions. Management saw their programs as a way to reduce waste, improve profit margin, and reduce hours needed to meet the volumes of parts needed to fulfill orders.


Among these agents were two of the most elite Quality Assurance Agents ever who were known as Agent Sigma and Agent Alpha. Their work in the factories was legendary with their specialty being in weld inspections. They crated standard inspection practices, terminology, and standards.

Agent Alpha

Name: Teressa Elizabeth Sanchez


·        Hawk eye vision

·        Strategic planning

·        Above average fighting skills

·        Stealth movements

·        Master imposter

·        Speed

·        Critical thinking

Nemesis: Gryme and Havoc

Weapons: Magnification, gauges, flashlight, code book

Known Associates:

Agents Sigma and Alpha primarily operate under covert conditions as a team or on solo assignments. They have been known to team up with Captain Capillary, Magna, Captain Sonic, and Vixion of the NDT Hero team.


Serve, prevent, and protect the public by constantly improving processes to achieve near zero defects.

Eddie Pompa

As a long time DNT professional I am now focused on promoting my industry through public outreach to bring awareness to our Skilled Profession.

My goal is to have (5) high schools with NDT in their Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs by 2030.

What is NDT?


The Great Avalos Adventure