The NDT Skills Gap
The challenges that Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) face are no different than any other skilled trades that lack good competent people to fill the gap of an aging niche profession. The societal inclination toward four-year degrees and diverting attention from vocational education programs has reduced the enrollment across the United States (US). This trend has had a tremendous effect on NDT where specialized knowledge, hands-on skills, and certifications are required.
Skilled Trade Shortage
Studies conducted by the National Center for Construction (NCCER), the American Welding Society (AWS), and American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) recognize the NDT gap and need for training that bridges into state workforce programs.
As technology continues to advance, the role of NDT becomes increasingly critical in ensuring the safety and reliability of infrastructure. The gap in understanding and appreciation for the importance of NDT in maintaining the structural integrity of various systems is critical and imperative toward improved safety in a rapidly changing world.
NDT Training Programs
Programs like the American Advanced Technical Academy (AATA) and Refined Inspection Services (RIS) offer an inexpensive point of entry for people who want to join the NDT profession. With a full list of classes that include the basics like NDT Math, Liquid Penetrant, and Ultrasonic Testing just to start they each have a passion for bringing NDT training to those in need.
Theo Young and Jonathon Stewart raise the bar when it comes to advancing NDT training for those in need of a valuable career.
John Stewart is the founder of AATA and has dedicated his full-time efforts toward helping the poor and veterans who struggle finding meaningful employment. His work has led him toward the development of an Apprenticeship program in his hometown of Los Angeles that offers employers company specific training, a reliable recruiting source, and improved employee morale. Students receive training in the latest technology, a structured career plan, and potential college credit toward a bachelor’s degree in engineering. The AATA Apprenticeship program is coming to Houston Texas in 2024 an collaboration with NDTMA and ASNT to bring NDT Training to the Houston market across all industry sectors.
Theo Young is the owner of RIS which provides life changing NDT training to the Houston area and recently celebrated 5 years of operation. Refined Inspection Services sets its sights on the less fortunate and veterans through his collaboration with the Texas Workforce Commission and provides affordable training through payment plans and is always looking for ways to improve the student’s experience. Refined Inspection Services is focused on serving the community from the ground up with an individualized touch evident by the efforts students go through to avoid missing a single class.
Students learn and earn to become valuable members of the NDT profession and NDT Hero.
With associated skilled trades like welding lacking skilled craftspeople the demand for competent NDT inspectors is equally in demand and faces critical labor shortage across all sectors of industry. The first step toward closing the gap in NDT is on sound footing with both AATA and RIS providing much needed training directly at the source. By collaborating with the workforce programs from both the top and bottom direction our NDT community is certain to receive the much-needed relief to close its employee gap. The common thread among these programs is their selfless leadership that will serve our NDT community well for years to come.
“Succes isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” - Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Eddie C. Pompa
NDT Hero / NDT Advocate